Tuesday, December 24, 2019

The Food And Drug Administration - 1740 Words

Today’s world is facing many challenges given the growing concerns and current repercussions of environmental climate change and demands of a growing global population. Not only is climate change effecting the worlds ecosystems, human health and fresh water resources, it is drastically effecting the worlds agriculture. Unpredictable weather such, as rising temperatures, colder temperatures, excessive flooding, and droughts are just a few of the increasing weather instabilities, which are challenging and threatening today’s agriculture growth and production. As such, crop yields continue to decline and present a risk to future food security. As a world, we are facing an adaptation deficit leaving us very vulnerable and thus, we must seek to†¦show more content†¦The potential for further varieties is plausible but much debate shadows biotechnology given unknown human, animal and environmental risks and impacts. Consumer risk perspectives toward transgenic technol ogy are unbalanced between developed and industrial countries given a) the level of trust in government regulators regarding food supply safety; b) attitudes toward scientific discovery; and c) the influence of media coverage (McCluskey Wahl, 2004). Genetically modified technology is progressive and carries many sustainable benefits but concerns as well, of which will be explored. Figure 1: Biotech Crop Countries and Mega-Countries*, 2012 What exactly is genetically modified organism? GMO is a living organism (bacteria, plant, animal) whose genetic composition has been altered by means of gene technology and the genetic modification usually involves insertion of a piece of DNA (bacteria or virus) and/or synthetic combination of several smaller DNA, into the genome of the organism to be modified (Khan, Muafia, Nasreen Salariya, 2012). GMO have two specific transgenes that have been created; one, with a built in pesticide for insect resistance and the other, for herbicide tolerance. Genetic modification has been a progressive resource to reducing/eliminating challenging environmental conditions that crops face related to pests, disease and harsh climate conditions. Elevating nutritional quality and the deficiency of vitamin A

Monday, December 16, 2019

To What Extent Does Sex Education Exert Impact on Teenagers in Hong Kong Free Essays

Getting married, want to get pregnant, take care for their child†¦ those are the steps of a normal life cycle that everyone should be looking forward to or experiencing. Thus, there should be so much joy to getting pregnancy if a married couple is expecting to have a new member into their family. Although a married couple is not wish to getting pregnancy, a normal sexual activity is still enjoyable for both of them. We will write a custom essay sample on To What Extent Does Sex Education Exert Impact on Teenagers in Hong Kong or any similar topic only for you Order Now In the old Chinese society, most of the people were start to having the sexual activity after they were married because there may not know what sexual intercourse is as there are lack of educations. As the technology improved, people may easier to get those related information from the web or others. It might be one of the fact leads people try to experience sexual intercourse before marry and even in underage. In the current Hong Kong society, this is not uncommon that there is an underage pregnancy victim in primary and secondary school.Most of the underage pregnancy victims are not know the right way to handle it. According to Mother’s Choice, there is around 1000 expectant mothers that age fewer than 18 to seek for help in 2008, which was increase 40% from the previous year. As there is a lack of sex education implements in primary and secondary schools, the number of underage pregnancy increases. Literature Review Lack of sex education will leads to a number of negative effect. One of the main effects is underage pregnancy. In 2007, there are 134 people who were give birth and 327 people who did a legal abortion in aged under 18 (DHHK, 2007).In 2008, there are around 1000 expectant mothers that age under 18 to seek for help, which was increase 40% from the previous year (Mother’s Choice, 2008). One of the main reasons that lack of sex education leads to underage pregnancy is the underage does not know the right way to contraception. Nearly thirty percents of people who were know how to use a condom after aged 21 (Zi Teng, 2010). Also, most of the people in Hong Kong do not know the other way to contraception and disease prevention rather than using condom (Zi Teng, 2010). In this case, over eighty percents of people think that it is important for schools to provide sex education for children (CUHK, 2008). Also, over seventy percents of people support to make sex education to be an individual compulsory subject in primary and secondary school (CUHK, 2008). Lack of Sex Education Although Hong Kong government states that they has set up a well organized plan of sex education which will be held in preschool, primary school and secondary school, there still have a large number of cases which is about underage pregnancy.One of the main reason is sex education in Hong Kong is not an individual compulsory subject for all primary and secondary students. There are usually combine with other subjects such as General Studies in primary school, Ethics and Religious Studies in secondary school. The teachers who are teaching those subjects are not well trained on sex education and they may not have enough knowledge for teaching the right attitude of sexual activitie s to their students. Taboo of Sex In the Chinese society, there is always having a taboo of talking about sex. It might be possible for teachers to avoid those topics or just sketchy talk about those topics. According to Cheung Kin-Tai, the chairperson of Okamoto (Hong Kong) Limited Company says that one of their employees was brought a condom to his school for supporting his essay topic ‘My First Time’ while his secondary school life, his teacher was gave him a major demerit. Some of the school realized that there is lack of sex educations, so they will invite some organizations such as The Family Planning Association of Hong Kong, Mother’s Choice, etc. to held a number of sex education talks regularly to their students; however, Prof. Ng Man-Lun, a sex therapist, think that most of the schools are still taboo on sex education and the talks which be held in a school hall will create some barrier for students to learn from the talk, ‘the presenter is having a long distance with students for teaching how to use condom and students may not have a chance to touch it, or even watch it clearly, so how can they learn to use it? ’ Lack of Sex Education OutcomeAs the resources of putting onto sex education is not enough and the education plan was out of dated, it may leads to affect the attitude of students on sexual activities. According to the survey which was be held by Zi Teng and Okamoto (Hong Kong) Limited Company in 2010, it stated that only one third of the interviewees learn what condom is from the school. Also, 27. 4% of the interviewees know how to use condom after aged 21 and some of the interviewees know how to use condom when they are aged 60.Moreover, one of the questions asked the interviewees how to contraception or disease prevention rather than using condom and the answers from the interviewees were including stop sexual intercourse, other activities instead of sexual intercourse such as kiss, masturbation, etc. In addition, a number of interviewees think that using condom is not the right way to show their love to their partner and some of them think using condom while sexual intercourse is showing their distrust to their partner. Suggestion To decrease the number of underage pregnancy, there should have a number of improvements on sex education.In my suggestions, firstly, the Hong Kong government should make sex education as an individual compulsory subject in both primary and secondary school. According to a public survey which conducted by CUHK Social Work Department in 2008, ther e is 70. 1% interviewees support it to be a compulsory course in primary school and secondary school. Also, the Hong Kong government and schools should place more resources on educate teachers about sex educations so it may leads them to give out accurate information and teaching right attitudes to students on this topic.Moreover, schools should cooperate with the related organizations to hold a number of talks in a small group of students which should cover different areas such as contraception, puberty, etc. so students may feel easier to learn from the talks. Finally, educate a child is a cooperation between school and family. In this case, schools should hold some sex education talks to parents so parents can have the ability to educate their child during the family time. How to cite To What Extent Does Sex Education Exert Impact on Teenagers in Hong Kong, Papers

Sunday, December 8, 2019

Basic TrainingMen And Women Together Essay Research free essay sample

Basic Training-Men And Women Together? Essay, Research Paper Should Men and Women Take Basic Training Together The Untied States Armed Forces consist of the Army, Navy, Air Force, and Marines ; it has been in being for many old ages. The first measure of military life one time person joins is basic preparation. Merely as the name implies, it is here where a recruit learns the first accomplishments of being a warrior and how to contend conflicts. In the past, work forces and adult females did non develop together during basic preparation. Some Americans argue that work forces and adult females should develop together, while others feel that they should be separated. Men and adult females should be trained together during basic preparation because they become a cohesive unit, addition productivity, and extinguish segregation. Fist, developing work forces and adult females together during basic preparation must be so they become a cohesive unit. We will write a custom essay sample on Basic TrainingMen And Women Together Essay Research or any similar topic specifically for you Do Not WasteYour Time HIRE WRITER Only 13.90 / page Basic preparation is where recruits foremost learn to depend on one another, in order to make a common end. Why put work forces and adult females together in a high emphasis state of affairs for the first clip when they have neer worked together? For illustration, a good football squad is non put together to travel play games without first practicing. Likewise, our Armed Forces should # 8220 ; pattern # 8221 ; together before stepping out on the battleground. In add-on, work forces and adult females should develop together during basic preparation because it increases productivity. When work forces and adult females were joined together for the first clip on the battleground, it took some clip for them to work together efficaciously. In contrast, by go toing B asic preparation together, they learn how each other do certain things and adapt to it ; this increases productiveness and decreases the clip that it takes to finish a undertaking. For case, a signal caller on a football squad learns a receiver’s velocity and technique, hence finishing more base on ballss. Productivity is of import in today’s warfare because of all of the hi-tech arms. Our Armed Forces need to develop them together so that we can be more productive and win the conflicts with the least sum of casualties. Most of import, developing together during basic preparation is necessary because it eliminates segregation. Civilian occupations and work environments were required to integrate in the 1960 # 8217 ; s or face mulcts and punishments. In contrast, our military has been allowed to go on segregation between work forces and adult females. The United States is based on equality and equal rights ; adult females are every bit capable of developing with work forces than without work forces. It is non Constitutional right to maintain work forces and adult females separate during the most of import portion of developing our military. In drumhead, seting work forces and adult females together during basic preparation is of import to United States safety. By developing together from the start, they become a cohesive unit, addition productivity, and it works to extinguish segregation. Gone are the yearss when adult females are merely good for run uping uniforms and binding lesions. In the computing machine and engineering age, adult females are merely every bit capable as contending the war as work forces are. Basic preparation establishes the foreground to do adult females and work forces # 8220 ; be all that they can be # 8221 ; .

Sunday, December 1, 2019

LOreal Essay Example

LOreal Paper Promotion refers to any marketing activities that are intended to inform, persuade or motivate current and potential customers into buying or supporting a product or service. So as a result of this the promotional mix is a combination of promotional methods used to communicate with target customers. The promotional mix is split up into eight main methods of promotion, these methods are; Using the corporate image. Public relations. Personal selling. Advertising. Exhibitions. Sponsorships. Direct marketing. Sales promotion. The first method I am going to look into for the promotional mix is Using the corporate image. This is when a company uses promotion through the reputation of their business. This can either be through either the company being very profitable or even being a green business that cares for the environment. The corporate image is the public perception of the company rather than a reflection of its actual state. We will write a custom essay sample on LOreal specifically for you for only $16.38 $13.9/page Order now We will write a custom essay sample on LOreal specifically for you FOR ONLY $16.38 $13.9/page Hire Writer We will write a custom essay sample on LOreal specifically for you FOR ONLY $16.38 $13.9/page Hire Writer The next method that Im going to be looking into in the promotional mix is Public relations. Public relations is the process of communication of a specific message to organisations stakeholders. The purpose of public relations is to achieve positive publicity from the customers or potential customers. Public relations has to be very effective and the way that this method can deliver being effective is by being planned and controlled and be ready to deal with any situations that arise and continue to deliver effective service over a long period. The next method that Im going to look into in the promotional mix is Personal selling. Personal selling is face-to-face selling in which a seller attempts to convince a customer to make a purchase. A way that personal selling is used in the promotional mix is by increasing business sales, this can be done in two ways these are;   Cross-selling which is done by selling a product that is related to the product that the customer or potential customer has bought or is about to buy. An example of this is if a customer walked into a phone store and the employee persuades the customer to buy a phone case for the phone they have just purchased.   Up-selling is done if a customer walks into a store and is going to purchase a product or service and an employee persuades them to upgrade to get a more expensive better product than what they were looking for. By providing personal selling in the promotional mix it helps businesses to remain competitive against its competition. Another way that personal selling is used is by developing the customer care in the business by gathering feedback off the customers to see what they can improve or add to the service they are providing. This might be by training up staff better so they know more about all the products or services that the company offers so they can help customers make a better purchase. The next method that Im going to look into in the promotional mix is Advertising. Advertising is used to promote a product or service; advertising can be done through celebrities. Such as the new Morrisons advert staring Freddy Flintoff, by using a celebrity in the advert is persuades the customers to shop their as a celebrity is being seen doing so themselves so they want to follow the celebrity trend. The next method that Im going to look into in the promotional mix is Sponsorships. Companies use sponsorships as a way of advertising themselves to the public. An example of this is companies sponsoring the London 2012 Olympics such as McDonalds and Heineken. The next method that Im going to look into in the promotional mix is Direct marketing. Direct marketing is a direct marketing communication with the customer. An example of direct marketing can be;   Direct mail.   Mail orders.   Tele-marketing.   Door to door distribution. The next method that Im going to look into in the promotional mix is Sales promotion. Sales promotion refers to the techniques and methods used by a business to sell its products to either customers or other businesses. Its main purpose is to get customers to purchase the product that the company is trying to sell. An example of this could be by offering a 10% discount to the product or service if you buy a particular newspaper. The first business I am going to look into is LOreal with the AIDA model. AIDA stands for; Attention, Interest, Desire and Action. The way LOreal grabs the attention of its customers or its potential customers is by Sponsorships. LOreal has sponsored Fiat Yamaha in the MotoGP and as a result of this they are placing the LOreal logo on their bikes that they will be racing on, because this logo is on the bikes it will attract people that are watching the MotoGP and will stick that business in peoples minds so it will gain attention of the business a lot more. Another way that LOreal will grab the attention of its customers and potential customers is by using the corporate image. As LOreal is a well established hair product brand it will stick in peoples minds when they think of shampoo as they are a top leader in this target market. The way LOreal gets the interest of its customers or its potential customers is by sales promotion. LOreal uses sales promotion on some of its products to get the customers attention of the product, this is sometimes used by using buy one get one free. LOreal mainly use sale promotion when a new product is launched so that the reputation of that product rises and customers become more aware of it, so as a result of this it gains the interest of the customers or potential customers. The way LOreal gains the desire of its customers or its potential customers is by advertising. LOreal uses advertising to gain the desire of the customer for the products that they are trying to sell, such as the LOreal advert for mens deodorant staring Eric Cantona, by seeing a celebrity using the product customers or potential customers instantly want it because it is being used by a celebrity and is deemed good to have. The way LOreal gets the action off the customers is by direct marketing. LOreal uses direct marketing to customers by sending them newsletters telling them personally about products that suits them by seeing what products they have bought before in the past that relates to the products they are trying to sell. As customers receive this newsletter that relates to what they usually buy they take the action of making a purchase of a new product to test it out and see what it is like. Another way LOreal gets the action off customers is by personal selling. LOreal uses personal selling in the form of cross-selling for some of its products by selling products that relate to the product they have already purchased such as if a customer bought moisturiser then employees for LOreal would try and sell them post balm. The communication model is used in advertising. The company encode the message which they are trying to get across to their current and potential customers in the television advertisements which the viewers will then decode the information in the way they perceive the message. The aim of this method is to persuade the customers to purchase the product in question. The way that LOreal creates an appropriate mix is by splitting up the mix into different categories, these are;   Short term and Long term goals the short term goal is to get the funds to make the new products and bring the new product out to the market. The long term goal is to make the product well established   Target market and exposure to the media the target market that LOreal are aiming for is both men and women between the ages of 16-65, they expose this to the media and aim their products to who they are aiming to, such as a girly magazine that targets teenagers.   Type of market the market that LOreal is in is cosmetics, skincare and head care.   Changing market conditions LOreal needs to take into account the recession so that they are bringing out products that customers can buy whilst money is an issue and spending has to be careful.   Budget and timing LOreal need to budget the products they are making so that the company doesnt make a loss by too many being made, not only this but the time to make the products cant be to long in case there is a huge demand for it. The next business I am going to look into is Compare the Market with the AIDA model. AIDA stands for; Attention, Interest, Desire and Action. The way that Compare the Market grabs the attention of its customers or its potential customers is by Sponsorships. Compare the Market has sponsored channel 4 drama and as a result of sponsoring channel 4 drama they have their advertisements placed before a number of television dramas such as ER, Brothers and Sisters and Shameless, because this advertisement is on the channel 4 breaks it will attract people that are watching the television and will stick that business in peoples minds so it will gain attention of the business a lot more. Another way that Compare the market will grab the attention of its customers and potential customers is by using the corporate image. As Compare the Market is a well established comparing website brand it will stick in peoples minds when they think of finding cheap insurance from their advertisements compare the meerkat, as they are a top leader in this target market. The way that Compare the Market gets the interest of its customers or its potential customers is by advertisements. This is done through people on the advertisement saying that they have saved x amount of money by using the website and how quick and easy it is to use. This gets the interest of the customers or potential customers as they realise that by going on the website they can save more money by comparing different insurance companies all on one page. The way that Compare the Market gains the desire of the customers or its potential customers is by advertisements. This is done by people knowing that by using this website you will only have to fill out your information once, and the rest will be done by the website. This gets the customer desired by only having to fill out information once instead of a lot of times on a number of different websites. Not only this but when on advertisements it tells you that on average people save around à ¯Ã‚ ¿Ã‚ ½200 this gets them wanting to go on it. The way that Compare the Market gets the action of the customers or its potential customers is by people going on the webpage. Once there on the page and filled out their details and realise how cheap some of the insurance quotes are then they are more likely to make a purchase as it is so simple. The way that Compare the Market creates an appropriate mix is by splitting up the mix into different categories, these are;   Short term and Long term goals the short term goal for Compare the Market is to get the reputation up of the website. The long term goal for Compare the Market is to be the market leader in this market.   Target market and exposure to the media the target market for Compare the Market is between the ages of 17-80 both men and women.   Type of market Compare the Market is in the insurance market.   Changing market conditions in the recession a lot of car insurance companies decided to promote offers such as purchase a year car insurance and get the first two months free, as a result of this Compare the Market are able to market these deals.